The Presidio Exchange has received numerous letters of support from nationally recognized leaders in art, science, history, food, public policy, and public land management. Here we provide a small sampling of these. Join us in telling the Presidio Trust that the PX is the best idea for the commissary site by signing our petition.
The Presidio Exchange (PX) provides an incredible opportunity
for the Presidio and the city of San Francisco.
With its vision and creativity,the PX will put the Presidio on the map as a destination of local, national, and international appeal—and a
place of true distinction. As a genuine reflection of the Presidio’s beauty and history, and the vibrant Bay Area community, the PX is an nnovative proposal at the
nexus of cultural centers and public spaces. Just as the imagination of the High Line in New York City has transformed
a place, embraced the local community, and attracted people from around the world, I am confident that the PX will achieve the
same extraordinary public benefits.
—Robert Hammond, Co-Founder, Friends of the High Line, New York City
We are excited about participating as a
program partner of the Presidio Exchange.
With our mission to “inspire people to care
about the planet,” National Geographic
would welcome opportunities to connect
the Presidio and the Golden Gate National
Parks to the broader world of explorers, scientists,
conservationists, national parks, and
World Heritage Sites—and to the people
working to understand and care for these
treasured places. We admire the creative
thinking and vision of the PX and believe
that a world-class site in a national park at
the Golden Gate merits such a bold vision.
—John Francis, Vice President for Research, Conservation,
and Exploration, National Geographic Society
The Parks Conservancy is nationally
acclaimed for their significant and creative
role in enlivening historic landmarks, buildings
and sites with vibrant uses, quality
interpretation and creative programming.
I have admired their work for decades —
and know that whatever they touch will
result in something of quality, distinction
and public appeal to the local community
and visitors from around the world.
—Richard Moe, President emeritus,
National Trust for Historic Preservation
I can’t imagine a better venue than the
Presidio Exchange for the dissemination
and preservation of the extraordinary
range of culinary arts that thrive in the
Bay Area. That it could be a special
event space as well would make it an
experiential masterstroke: its views,
architecture, and mission would be an
unforgettable highlight of every guest’s
experience. This unique combination of
location, views, food service and programming
opportunities, and the Conservancy’s
track record, will make, in my
opinion, for a winning operation.
—Lucas Schoemaker, President, Mccalls
Bruce Cain
Bill Lane Center for the American West
Gregory Farrington
Cal Academy of Sciences
Marcelo Bonta
Center for Diversity and the Environment
Cheryl Haines
FOR-SITE Foundation
Jeremy Madsen
Greenbelt Alliance
Sharon Maidenberg
Headlands Center for the Arts
Dan Shine
Innovation Hangar
Caleb Zigas
La Cocina
John Francis
National Geographic
Neil MacLean
Ohlone Profiles Project
Rue Mapp
Outdoor Afro
Jared Lawson
Pie Ranch
Elizabeth Gore
UN Foundation
Sarah Schultz
Walker Art Center
Dan Puskar
Association of Partners for Public Lands
Karyn Flynn
Bay Area Discovery Museum
Jennifer Fox
Bay Area Open Space Council
Kate Brumage
Butler Koshland Fellowships
Jake Sigg
California Native Plant Society
Alexander Zwissler
Chabot Space and Science Center
Elizabeth Babcock and Jason Morris
Thomas Kuhn and John Frykman
Coalition to Save Ocean Beach / Friends of Sutro Heights Park
Barbara Wenger
Marty Krasney
Dalai Llama Fellows
Robert David
Golden Gate Valley Neighborhood Association
Jeffrey Brown
Kids in the Parks
Herbert Elliott
Lake Street Residents Association
Don Green
Laurel Heights Improvement Association
Kevin Cuff
Lawrence Hall of Science
Sonya Clark Herrera
Mural Music & Arts Project
Hugh Vasquez
National Equity Project
Rosalyn Tonai
National Japanese Historical Society
Neil Desai
National Parks Conservation Association
Beth Pratt
National Wildlife Federation
Susan Smartt
William Shepard
Neighborhood Associations for Presidio Planning
Paul Wermer
Pacific Heights Residents Association
Pilots Row and Fort Scott Neighbors
Raymond Holland
Planning Association for the Richmond
Jordon Wellwood
Richardson Bay Audubon Center and Sanctuary
Julia Hatton
Rising Sun Energy Center
Nina Roberts
San Francisco State University
Jennifer Clary
San Francisco Tomorrow
JoAnne MC Allister
Saybrooke University
Teresa Arriaga
Seven Teepees
Becky Evans
Sierra Club
Jay Thomas Watson
Student Conservation Association
Brent Plater
Wild Equity
Amanda Hoenigman
William Kent Society Advisory Council
Eric Aaholm
Youth Enrichment Strategies
Fred Altshuler
Richard Bartke
Former Chair, GGNRA Citizens’ Advisory Commission
Louise Bea
Cow Hollow Association Member
Jan Blum
Park Volunteer
Carol Brownson
Julia Cheever
Paul Epstein
Beverly Lipman
Doug McConnell
Journalist and former host, Bay Area Backroads
Amy Meyer
Former member of the Presidio Trust Board of Directors
Nancy Ream
Holly Shepard
Peter Winkelstein
Nicole Ardoin, Stanford University, Woods Institute
Elizabeth Babcock, California Academy Sciences
Yves Behar, fuseproject
Lacey Capps, Millennium Park
Milton Chen, NPS Advisory Board
Lucas Cowan, Millennium Park, Maryland Arts Council
Cheryl Haines, FOR-SITE Foundation
David Kennedy, Bill Lane Center for the American West
Rue Mapp, Outdoor Afro
Maria Mortati, Museum and Exhibition Consultant
Sheetal Prajapati, MoMA New York
Rob Price, Eleven, Inc.
Jeannene Przbylyski, California Institute of the Arts
Kirsten Reoch, Park Avenue Armory
Lucas Schoemaker, McCalls
Sarah Schultz, Walker Art Center
Danya Sherman, Friends of the High Line
Dave Stockdale, Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture
Matthew Tiews, Stanford Arts Institute
Alice Waters, Chez Panisse
Daniel Woods, TechShop